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DataScientia enables a process where



People learn about AI and data, and their relevance to themselves and their local context.
People use their knowledge to dive in and understand how to use AI and data in their own interest and of society


People use their understanding of AI and data to build people-centric and society-centric innovative applications

The DataScientia Initiative

What is DataScientia?

DataScientia is an initiative whose main aim and purpose is to contribute to and influence the future technological evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it applies to everybody and everything, people, society and the world at large. AI research and innovation is the process, humans and society are the goal, data is the means. DataScientia aims to enable a process by which people

  1. learn about AI and data, and their relevance to themselves and their local context.
  2. consciously collect data about themselves and their local context
  3. share the knowledge they develop, according to their diverse cultures and perspectives.

Within DataScientia, the people collecting data, the educators, the objects described by data, the scientists learning how to make the best use of data and also the innovators exploiting them are the citizens themselves.

The DataScientia Ecosystem

More about DataScientia

What do we do?

DataScientia supports the collection, sharing and usage of person-centric data as a common good, in the interest of people and society at large. By person-centric data, we mean suitably anonymized personal data, data about the culture, milieu, and events around us, as well as the language(s) we speak and the knowledge that allows us to interpret and compose the data we collect.

Person-centric data will be used towards the generation and dissemination of knowledge concerning individuals, society, and the world, as perceived and articulated by people. We want to analyze and comprehend the variances in interpretation. The aim is to uncover the deeper unity that underlies diversity, allowing us to delve beneath surface differences.

Our Manifesto

Why do we do what we do?

We all create and use our own mental models of the world. Perception creates it, language allows us to share its description with other people, thus causing its objectivation, and knowledge is what we learn about it by observing what repeats itself through change, as described by language.

Our mental models are different from those of everybody else. The negotiation or conflict between frames of mind is part of the communication process and is inherent to any encounter among cultures and people. However, the Internet has exponentially increased the possibility of exposure to new people, speaking different languages, and holding different knowledge, cultures and traditions. On the one hand, this increased exposure to diversity provides us with an unprecedented wealth of opportunities for learning and innovating while, on the other hand, revealing our limited capability to harness such richness.

Learning about this process and how to bridge the gap between opportunities and difficulties is critical to sustainable AI innovation. We need to find a way to go beyond the current, only technology-driven, person, society and diversity-unaware approach to data-driven AI innovation.

Our Manifesto

What do we hope to achieve?

We want to analyze and comprehend the variances in interpretation. The aim is to uncover the deeper unity that underlies diversity, allowing us to delve beneath surface differences. We want to enable a process where anybody can increase their awareness and active participation in the development of AI technological innovation. Technological innovation should be driven by social innovation, and citizens should proactively participate in the definition of the social innovation agenda.

Our Manifesto

Our Partners

We collaborate with partner universities worldwide, driving AI innovation at an unprecedented pace. Our approach integrates education, research and technology innovation, under the main drive of social innovation. Partner universities play a crucial role in our activities, enabling impactful projects. Together, we're reaching communities globally, fostering research and innovation for a better future.

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